• 24 December 2016
  • Project Marta's diary

A December of meetings

After several meetings following the appointments fixed during Artissima, Project MARTA’s December has been a month very full of interesting comparisons and insights for future activities.

Guido Curto – Heritage valorization

On December the 9th, Project MARTA met Guido Curto, Director of Palazzo Madama in Turin, member of ICOM Italia – International Council of Museums, journalist for “Il Sole 24 Ore” and “La Stampa”, critic and curator of modern and contemporary art exhibition. Project MARTA explained him the guidelines of the technical service, and the educational and divulgative aim of the website, collecting the approval and consent of dr. Curto, as well as interesting ideas about the presentation of the project and the personalities that could be involved in its promotion. Waiting for a direct engagement during a meeting between experts of the topic, the attention has been focused on the presentation that will be held in Artefiera, and on the institutional players to involve as contemporary art collectors.

Massimo Sella – Contemporary Art Insurance

On December the 15th Project Marta met Massimo Sella, CEO of Brosel s.p.a., insurance company of Banca Sella Group, specialized in services for the enhancement and the generational shift of art collections. The comparison between respective specializations and fields of competence brought to the interest – for the insurance activity – in a collaboration with a professionist specialized in contemporary art conservation. With the support of legal advisors in art law – Studio Pavesio – and specialized experts in contemporary art, Project MARTA offers a service of key role  and interesting insights as a new consultant.

Antonio Rava – Restoration of Contemporary Art

Friday, December the 23rd, Project MARTA explained contents and developments of last months works to Antonio Rava, restorer specialized in contemporary artworks, Vice President of the Italian Branch of the International Institute for Conservation, professor at the Centro di Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale, author of numerous publications on restoration and art conservation. Having followed the first phases of the project, when the first foundation of it were settled in 2009 as a postgraduate thesis, prof. Rava showed his pleasure for improvements and new shapes of Project MARTA, indicating himself as a permanent consultant for case studies and insight that will be faced through artisti interviews. In this way, Project MARTA ensures the reliability and completeness – by the thirty-year experience of a great professional in the sector – of the produced data sheets.

A busy month, that has not stopped at the listed people, but has involved also many others, including for example the President of the Foundation for Modern and Contemporary ART CRT, Fulvio Gianaria, Dr. Alvise Chevallard, co-founder of Barriera, non-profit association founded in 2007 by a group of contemporary art lovers, prof. Oscar Chiantore, lecturer in Chemistry for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the University of Turin, specialized in materials for contemporary art … and between the various galleries Guido Costa and Alessio Moitre: many innovations in the pipeline for 2017!

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